opportunities to serve
AWANA - Tuesday evenings from September through April (dinner is served starting at 5:30; club is from 6-8pm.)
Sunday school classes for all ages
A well-staffed nursery for Sunday school and 11:00am service
Childrens’ Church during the 11am service
Vacation Bible School (a week long event for children and their families in June)
Summer camp
Peace River Youth Ministries
Thursday evenings, 6-8pm
For youth, grades 7-12
Offering weekly Bible instruction, fun activities, and opportunities for service
Mission Trips (Domestic and International)
Summer camp
Peace River Family Ministries​​
Fellowship opportunities for families with children​
Adult Bible Fellowships
Various adult classes for studying the Word of God, and for mutual encouragement
Senior Adult Ministries (SAM Club)
For the over 60 group
Fellowship and service opportunities
Women’s Bible Study
LAMP Ministry (Ladies with a Mission Passion) meets once a month on a Monday
Women of Faith Prayer Group
Peace River Men’s Ministry
Periodic Bible studies, outreach events, fellowship opportunities, service projects
Outreach and Service
Various community outreach efforts to share the gospel with people of Punta Gorda and Charlotte County.
Visitation ministry
Music Ministries
Sanctuary Choir
Choir and instrumentalists at each worship service
Winter Concert Series with nationally known groups
Choir Musicals/Dramas at Christmas and Easter