Peace river youth ministries

Who it's for:
Students in grades 7-12
When we meet:
Thursday evenings, from 6-8 PM.
What we do:
We learn what God's Word says and how it makes a difference in our lives. We also do service projects and missions trips to better our community and share the love of Jesus with others. And of course, we also like to hang out, build friendships, and do fun and crazy stuff!
Our Mission:
To Glorify God through Peace River Youth Ministries
Our Purpose:
To use the teaching of God’s Word, fellowship opportunities, service projects, and mission trips to draw each member of Peace River Youth Ministries into a closer relationship with their Savior Jesus Christ and with one another.

Our Methods:
Peace River Youth Ministries meets weekly for worship through singing, intensive Bible study, and time for fellowship. We intend for our youth to put what they say they believe into practice through frequent service projects in our church, community and annual missions trips (first domestically and then international). Annually, we take both the Junior High and Senior High youth to Christian camp to stretch them physically, emotionally and most importantly spiritually. We have not been disappointed in our methods as God has done great things in the lives of our youth as we strive to faithful serve him by serving our students.
Our Vision:
We desire to see all students that come through the Peace River Youth Ministries to develop a passionate love with their Savior Jesus Christ and that they would choose to serve Him for the rest of their lives. Our focus is not to build our youth ministry numerically, but to build it spiritually deep. This will be our endeavor no matter how many students God brings to our ministry.
Our Staff:
Our youth group is lead by Lanny Wyatt, with help of several members of the church. We have been blessed by some very involved parents who frequently invest their time and resources in the lives of our youth.