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  • Writer's picturePastor Jim Stultz

An Essential Service

Updated: Sep 27, 2020

During this Corona virus pandemic various governments have shut down much of the country. Some businesses were allowed to continue because they were deemed essential. Other businesses were told that they should remain closed because they offered only nonessential services. Many in our world consider attending church as a nonessential service. However, I believe that church is essential to the child of God. Many in our society look at attending church so far down on the priority list. They put work, recreation, sporting events, and even shopping as more important than attending church.

I would like to share with you why I believe that church is essential. The number one reason we should attend church is because we are commanded to. Hebrews 10:24,25 tells us: “And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching”. We are not to forsake the gathering together of God’s people. Church is essential because it also gives us a venue for corporate worship of the Lord. When Noah got off the ark the first thing he did was to build an altar and worship the Lord. This shows us the priority that worship should have in our lives. Another reason church is essential is our need for spiritual growth. As we meet together with God’s people our faith is strengthened, our love for God is heightened, and our knowledge of the Word of God is increased. Many will say that we can worship God anywhere, we can grow spiritually through online venues, and our own study of scriptural truth. While that is true, when we meet together our worship and our edification is multiplied exponentially.

There is one more reason why church is essential: the fellowship of the saints. There is a powerful healing, a marvelous joy, and an uplifting encouragement that occurs when we fellowship with God’s people. God’s Word tells us unequivocally that church is an essential service for the people of God.

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