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  • Writer's picturePastor Jim Stultz

Just Taste and See

Updated: Apr 29, 2023

God uses the human senses to describe how we may experience Him in all of His glory. David wanted to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord in His tabernacle (Ps. 27:4). The psalmist poetically describes how we can hear the voice of the Lord in Psalm 29:3-4: “The voice of the LORD is over the waters; The God of glory thunders; The LORD is over many waters. The voice of the LORD is powerful…” Jesus told Thomas to reach out and touch Him and feel that He was real (John 20:27).

We can see His beauty in creation, we can hear His voice in the thunder, and we can feel His presence in our lives. But have you ever thought about tasting Him? The scriptures encourage us in Ps. 34:8: “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him”! The psalmist had experienced the goodness of the Lord for himself. He could point to times in his life where God intervened in protecting him and providing for him. He recalled times of sweet fellowship with the Lord and times of wonderful comfort and healing. He had tasted deeply of the Lord’s goodness and gives an open invitation to all. He calls out to you and me to taste for ourselves and we too will experience his delightful goodness.

At a chili cook-off in one community the contestants boasted of their skill and expertise. Some had secret ingredients that promised the perfect mixtures of flavor. However all the boasting meant little until we got our little paper cup and asked for a sample. When we tasted for ourselves, we then knew who had the best chili.

Have you tasted for yourself the goodness of the Lord? Have you experienced His gracious forgiveness? Have you feasted upon His delicious fellowship and His incredible joy? Have you sampled the sweetness of His Word for yourself? I marvel how He provides for my every need and bestows upon me so much more than I deserve. God’s goodness is so wonderful, just taste and see for yourself.

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