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  • Writer's picturePastor Jim Stultz

Noodle Therapy

               A dear, sweet child of God said goodbye to her husband as the hearse carried his body to the cemetery.  They had been companions for several decades weathering the storms and enjoying the blessings that came their way.  Now she was alone.  I, as her pastor, did my best to encourage her and minister to her as she faced her widowhood.  As we talked, I discovered the secret she had for getting through this most difficult time.  It was simply, God and noodles.

            I understood how believers need to rely on the strength and promises of God who said: “I will never leave you, nor forsake you” (Heb. 13:5).  I asked her how the noodles came into the picture of handling loneliness and grief.  She explained to me that she keeps herself busy making homemade noodles to sell and to give away to friends.  Instead of sitting around moping and feeling sorry for herself she gets down her canister of flour along with her rolling pin and starts making a batch of noodles.  Occasionally a tear might fall into the dough, but God is getting this dear senior saint through her valley.

            The prophet Elijah was falling into a pit of depression in 1 Kings 18.  God sent an angel to encourage him and feed him.  But he also asked him what he was doing here and commanded him to fill his horn with oil and get back to work being a prophet.

All of us at one time or another are faced with loneliness or grief or some powerful trial that threatens to freeze us into a state of depression.  My friend learned somewhat of a secret of keeping out of that state.  Go to God and get busy for God.  If you find that the circumstances of life are pressing in on you be sure to take your burden to the Lord in prayer.  And it might also help to whip up a batch of noodles.

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