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  • Writer's picturePastor Jim Stultz

The Good Hand of God upon Us

Updated: May 1, 2023

Ezra and Nehemiah were godly men that the Lord used greatly when the exiles returned to the land of Israel following the Babylonian captivity. Ezra was used to re-establish the worship in the temple and Nehemiah was used to lead the people to rebuild the wall in Jerusalem. Both of these men had tremendously difficult tasks that were filled with opposition. Yet both of them recognized a valuable game changing factor throughout their task. They both saw the: “good hand of God upon them”. Ezra and Nehemiah knew that they would not be able to accomplish anything without the favor of God resting upon them. They experienced deliverance from opposition, support and supplies from kings, the aid of skilled workers, and the cooperation of the inhabitants.

Ezra and Nehemiah are tremendous examples for believers today. How often do we seek the hand of God to rest upon us in our efforts? Jesus told His followers very simply in John 15:5: I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing”. Nothing can be done in our service for the Lord without the good hand of God upon us. We should seek His direction, we should rely on His strength, and we should be filled with His Spirit. Our local church ministries and our outreach to the lost all depend upon God’s blessing. Even raising a godly family depends upon the good hand of God upon us.

Where have you seen the hand of God recently in your life? Has He answered a fervent prayer of yours? Has some unexpected money came in the mail to pay a debt? Has He healed your body or given you peace about a pressing burden in your life? In small ways or in big ways God is always wanting to show His favor to us. Every day when we get out of bed let’s be sure to look for that good hand of God upon us. It will truly be a game changer.

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