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  • Writer's picturePastor Jim Stultz

The Junk Drawer

               Our hurricane repairs involved fixing our roof and ceilings.  My wife and I decided that now was the time to also launch some much-needed home remodeling projects. Along with the repairs we also got some new furniture, new appliances, painted the walls, installed new flooring, remodeled the bathroom, and had new granite countertops and backsplash put in the kitchen.  Our remodel even progressed all the way to the junk drawer.  Every home seems to have one; that final resting place of the odds and ends of daily activities that don’t seem to have a better place to go. The junk drawer tends to collect more and more things.  From used birthday candles to extension cords, from bread ties to stray flashlight batteries, from corn on the cob skewers to the crescent wrench, this drawer collects them all.  It contains an assortment of useful and useless articles.  With everything else being remodeled it was time to finally clean out this drawer and eliminate some of those things that are no longer needed and toss them into the trash.

            God’s children also have a tendency to accumulate junk in their spiritual lives.  We pick up a nasty habit here and a critical spirit there and even some leftover anger that we brought home from work.  Evil thoughts and foul language can get tossed into our junk drawer.  All this useless junk gathers in our life until it begins to overflow.  God never intended for us to live like this.  His Word challenges us to be clean in our actions and attitudes.  We are to be holy in our walk and our talk.  We must clean out our junk drawer daily by confessing our sins.  1 John 1:9 reminds us: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness”.

            How does our own junk drawer look?  Perhaps we have picked up some really bad junk recently.  Maybe it is beginning to overflow.  Why not take time right now to go to the Lord, confess and forsake your sins and ask His forgiveness.  He can clean out the junk and give you a pure heart.

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