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  • Writer's picturePastor Jim Stultz

What Is Your “One Thing”

Updated: Apr 29, 2023

Everyone seems to have something that stimulates their passion. For some it is their favorite sports team, for others it is their job, their hobby or their family. This passion or priority drives people to pursue it with their time and energy. They just can’t wait to wrap themselves up in the joy of their “one thing”.

King David tells us about his passion in Psalm 27:4. He says: “One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, And to inquire in His temple”. David had many interests and passions in his life. However the “one thing” that took precedence over everything else in his life was described as dwelling in the house of the Lord, beholding His beauty, and inquiring in His temple. His passion can be summarized as a longing to have fellowship with God. David’s “one thing” was to continue to have fellowship with His God all the days of his life. The tabernacle was the center of worship in those days. When David was away from it, perhaps hiding from enemies or engaged in battle he would long for the joy of being in God’s house. His one thing was to stay in that place of close fellowship with Him. In the next verse He calls upon God to hide him in this protective shelter of God’s presence. David describes two things he wanted to do while he was in God’s house. He wanted to gaze at the beauty of the Lord and to seek the presence of the Lord. Fellowship with God was David’s “one thing”. Throughout the ups and downs of David’s life Scriptures still call him, “a man after God’s own heart”.

I wonder if we could say the same thing as David. Do we long to gaze at the beauty of the Lord? Do we spend time with Him in prayer and praise? Do we seek to know and discover more and more about Him in His Word? Let’s make fellowship with God our “one thing”.

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